"Retractations" follows a chronological order, and consists of two books. The second book deals with the works written by Augustine as a bishop (he states it in its first sentence), the first with those written earlier. In Chapter 9 Augustine writes of "On Free Will" that he wrote its second and third book when already a presbyter in Africa. Then, in Chapter 14 he says that he wrote "already as a presbyter" the book "On the Usefulness of Believing"". It was followed by "On the Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans", the acts of the debate with Fortunatus, the Manichaean (see 798), "On Faith and Creed", "On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis" (unfinished),"On the Lord's Sermon on the Mount", "Alphabetical Psalm Against the Donatists", "Against the Letter of Donatus", "Against Adimantus the Manichaean", "Explanation of Some of the Problems from the Letter to Romans", "Explanation of the Letters to Galatians", "Explanation of the Letter to Romans" (unfinished), "On Lying", and "Eighty-Three Different Questions" (previous material, gathered and edited when he was already a bishop).