Letter 25*
To our most dear lords and most sincere brothers and fellow presbyters Deogratias and Theodore, and to the deacons Titianus, Quintianus, Quodvultdeus, and Carissimus, and to his brother Comes, Augustine sends greetings in the Lord.
We announce that by God’s mercy we have arrived home safe and sound and that we have celebrated the solemnity of the most blessed martyr with the people of God, who were complaining greatly concerning my absence. We trust that this news is most welcome to you. I recommend, however, the bearer of this letter, our brother, the presbyter Mascelio. I believe that Your Holiness recalls him. Through me he also asks of you, Brother Comes, that you arrange for the hospitality that he requests to be offered him without any difficulty.
(trans. R. Teske, slightly altered)