The Council of Elvira was held by nineteen bishops in the time of Constantine, at the same time as the Council of Nicaea [...] when the saint and religious bishops were present in the Church of Elvira, that is: [...]
Here follow the names of the bishops.
Restutus presbyter of Epora,
Natalis, presbyter of Osuna,
Maurus, presbyter of Mengibar,
Lamponianus of Carbula,
Barbatus of Ecija,
Felicissimus of Teba,
Leo of Acinipo,
Liberalis of Lorca,
Januarius of Lauro,
Januarianus of Barba,
Victorinus of Cabra,
Titus of Arjona,
Eucarius of the city [Elvira?],
Silvanus of Segalvinia,
Victor of Montemayor,
Januarius of Pechina,
Leo of Tucci,
Turrinus of Castulo,
Luxurius of Drona,
Emeritus of Villaricos,
Cumantius of Solia,
Clementianus of Ossigi,
Eutices of Carthage,
Julian of Cordoba
on the day of Ides of May in Elvira [...].
(trans. M. Szada)