Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
PR 155

Fructuosus, presbyter and abbot in Dumio (Iberian Peninsula), later bishop of Dumio and Braga, ob. 665.

Reference to prosopography: PRVT 383 Fructuosus

Chronological and
geographical framework:

Attested presbyterial activity: 650 - 656 in Dumio (Iberian Peninsula), Braga (Iberian Peninsula),


Fructuosus was an important monastic leader in the 7th c. Spain. He was born ca. 600 in an important Visigothic family (for the discussion see Kampers 2012: 264-265). He was a pupil of bishop Conantius of Palencia (609-639). After 640 he began his monastic activity and founded several monasteries on Iberian Peninsula (in Galicia, but he also travelled to Sevilla and its neighbourhood). It is not certain when exactly he was ordained a presbyter. Certainly he was a presbyter in 651 when he corresponded with Braulio of Saragossa (377, 387). Few years later (654/655) he became a bishop-abbot of Dumio (Orlandis 1971: 104-106). He was present on the 10th council of Toledo as a metropolitan bishop of Galicia, thus he must have joined the see of Dumio and that of Braga (like Martin of Braga before him). For the relations between Dumio and Braga see Bishko 1968 and Diaz 2001.


  • C.J. Bishko, 'Episcopus Sub Regula or Episcopi Sub Regula? St. Fructuosus And The Monasticized Episcopate in The Peninsular West', Bracara Augusta 21 (1968), 64-65.
  • P.C. Díaz, 'Monasteries in a peripheral area: seventh-century Gallaecia', [in :] Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages, eds. M. De Jong, C. van Rhijn, F. Theuws, Leiden, Boston, Köln 2001, 329-359.
  • G. Kampers, 'Annäherung an ein wisigotisches Primatengeschlecht (II). Beobachtungen zu den Nachrichten der Vita Fructuosi ber den Heilgen und seine Familie', Millennium 9 (2012), 261–275.
  • J. Orlandis, 'Las congregaciones monásticas en la tradición suevo-gótica' in: Idem, Estudios sobre instituciones monasticas medievales, Pamplona 1971.


Writing activity - Correspondence
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Described by a title - Titles of respect
Monastic or common life - Cenobitic monk
Reverenced by
Relation with - Another presbyter
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Relation with - Heretic/Schismatic
Education - Theological interest
Devotion - Reading the Bible and devotional literature
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, PR155,