Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 965
Presbyters from various Gallic provinces subscribe the acts of the Council of Agde (Gaul, AD 506): lists of the presbyters in attendance according to various codices.
The acts are signed by 24 bishops, the following presbyters, and, in the end, two deacons.
II. Altera series ex codice P (fol. g):
Auilius presbyter missus a domno meo Caprario episcopo Narbonense subscripsi.
Iohannis presbyter missus a domno meo Victurino episcopo de ciuitate Foriiulii subscripsi.
Ingenuus presbyter missus a domno meo Арго episcopo Biturritanae ciuitatis subscripsi.
Paulinus in Dei nomine presbyter missus a domno meo Eufrasio episcopo ciuitatis Aruernae subscripsi.
Pompeius presbyter missus a domno meo Iuliano episcopo de Auennica ciuitate subscripsi.
Polemius presbyter missus a domno meo Extilio episcopo de Vasatis ciuitate subscripsi.
Petrus presbyter missus a domno meo Marcello episcopo de ciuitate Vicoiuli subscripsi.
Firminus presbyter missus a domino meo Pappolo episcopo subscripsi.
III. Ex codice A (fol. 161):
Iohannis presbyter subscripsi. Explicit.
XI. Ex codice T (fol. 67) :
Auilius presbyter...
XII. Altera series ex codd. CDGKLyMNRT:
1. Auilius presbyter missus a domno meo Caprario episcopo subscripsi.
2. Iohannis presbyter missus a domno meo Victorino episcopo subscripsi.
3. Ingentms presbyter missus a domno meo Арго episcopo subscripsi.
4. Paulinus presbyter missus a domno meo Eufrasio episcopo subscripsi.
5. Pompeius presbyter missus a domno meo Iuliano episcopo subscripsi.
6. Polemius presbyter missus a domno meo Sextilio episcopo subscripsi.
7. Petrus presbyter missus a domno meo Marcello episcopo subscripsi.
8. Firminus presbyter missus a domno meo Pappulo episcopo subscripsi.
(ed. Munier 1963: 214-219)
The acts are signed by 24 bishops, the following presbyters, and, in the end, two deacons.
II. Another list from codex P (fol. g):
I, Presbyter Auilius sent by my Lord Caprarius, bishop of Narbonne, have signed.
I, Presbyter Iohannis sent by my Lord Victurinus, bishop of Fréjus, have signed.
I, Presbyter Ingenuus sent by my Lord Aper, bishop of Tarbes (or just possibly Toul?), have signed.
I, Paulinus, presbyter in the name of God, sent by my lord Eufrasius, bishop of Clermont, have signed.
I, Presbyter Pompeius sent by my Lord Iulianus, bishop of Avignon, have signed.
I, Presbyter Polemius sent by my Lord Extilius, bishop of Bazas, have signed.
I, Presbyter Petrus sent by my Lord Marcellus, bishop of Aire-sur-l'Adour, have signed.
I, Presbyter Firminus sent by my Lord Bishop Pappolus have signed.
III. From codex A (fol. 161):
I, Presbyter Iohannis have signed. Here ends.
XI. From codex T (fol. 67) :
Auilius presbyter...
XII. Another list from codices CDGKLyMNRT:
1. I, Presbyter Auilius sent by my Lord Bishop Caprarius have signed.
2. I, Presbyter Iohannis sent by my Lord Bishop Victurinus have signed.
3. I, Presbyter Ingenuus sent by my Lord Bishop Aper have signed.
4. I, Presbyter Paulinus sent by my Lord Bishop Eufrasius have signed.
5. I, Presbyter Pompeius sent by my Lord Bishop Iulianus have signed.
6. I, Presbyter Polemius sent by my Lord Bishop Sextilius have signed.
7. I, Presbyter Petrus sent by my Lord Bishop Marcellus have signed.
8. I, Presbyter Firminus sent by my Lord Bishop Pappolus have signed.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)


More on the subcriptions from the Council of Agde, see, Schäferdiek 1967, 243-247.
Munier suggests that "Civitas Biturritana" should be read as "Civitas Bigurritana", thus referring to Bigorre (Tarbes) (Munier 1963, 233). There is no other evidence of Bishop Aper of Tarbes. There was, however, Bishop Aper of Toul (Tullum Leucorum) between 500 and 507. According to his hagiography, he was a former presbyter of Saint Lupus of Troyes (see xxxxxxx).

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Agde
  • Toul
  • Aire-sur-l`Adour
  • Narbonne
  • Fréjus
  • Tarbes
  • Clermont
  • Avignon
  • Bazas

About the source:

Title: Council of Agde, Concilium Agathense anno 506
Origin: Agde (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Council of Agde was held in September of 506 under the auspices of Cesarius, bishop of Arles, and with the permission of the Visigothic King Alaric. The first 47 canons are considered genuine, since only those are present in the oldest codices. The rest, present in some manuscripts, must have been taken from the other council acts, especially those of the Council of Epaone in 517. This council was attended by 24 bishops, and 8 presbyters and 2 deacons, who represented their bishops. More on the council, see Klingshirn 1994, 97-104.
Ch. Munier ed., Concilia Galliae a. 314-a. 506, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148, Turnhoult 1963.
W.E. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles: the making of a Christian community in late antique Gaul, Cambridge 1994.
K. Schäferdiek, Die Kirche in den Reichen der Westgoten und Suewen bis zur Errichtung der westgotischen katholischen Staatskirche, Berlin 1967.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Participation in councils and ecclesiastical courts
Ecclesiastical administration - Ecclesiastical envoy
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER965,