Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 864
Canon 6 of the Eleventh Council in Toledo (Iberian Peninsula, AD 675) forbids priests to punish members of the familia of the Church with mutilation or death.
Canon 6
Non debere sacerdotibus quaslibet in ecclesiae familiis truncationes membrorum facere, nec aliquid quod morte plectendum est, iudicare.
His a quibus Domini sacramenta tractanda sunt, iudicium sanguinis agitare non licet. Et ideo magnopere talium excessibus prohibendum est ne indiscretae praesumptionis motibus agitati aut quod morte plectendum est, sententia propria iudicare praesumant, aut truncationes quaslibet membrorum in quibuslibet personis aut per se inferant aut inferenda praecipiant. Quod si quisquam horum immemor praeceptorum aut in ecclesiae suae familiis aut in quibuslibet personis tale aliquid fecerit, et concessi ordinis honore priuatus et loco sub perpetuo damnationis teneatur religatus ergastulo. Cui tamen communio exeunti ex hac uita non neganda est propter Domini misericordiam, qui non uult peccatoris mortem, sed ut conuertatur et uiuat. [Ez 33:11]
(eds. Martínez Díez, Rodríguez 2002: 103-105)
Canon 6
The priests shall not sentence anyone of the familia of the Church to mutilation nor to judge crimes which are punished with death.
For those who exercise the mysteries of the Lord, it is not allowed to declare the bloody sentences. And therefore their transgressions are to be especially prohibited, lest they, agitated by presumptious emotions, have a temerity to either judge by themselves crimes which are punished with death, or to procure, or order to procure, mutilation on any person. If anyone oblivious of these precepts does such to a member of the familia of his Church or to any other person, he shall be deprived of the honour of his order and of his position, and he shall remain bound by the perpetual shackles of damnation. However, communion shall not be denied to such person on his deathbed according to the mercy of the Lord who has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live [Ez 33:11].
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Toledo

About the source:

Title: Concilium Toletanum XI a. 675, Concilium XI Toletanum a. 675, Eleventh Council of Toledo in 675 AD
Origin: Toledo (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The Eleventh Council of Toledo in AD 675 was the first council convened in the capital since AD 656. However, in contrast to the previous Toletan councils (apart from the one held in AD 597), it was not a plenary gathering of the bishops from all the Spanish provinces (on the discontinuation of the plenary councils see Collins 2004: 99-100), but only a provincial council of the Carthaginensis. It was gathered by King Wamba (AD 672-680). Present were seventeen bishops, six abbots and three representatives of absent bishops.
G. Martínez Díez, F. Rodríguez eds., La colección canónica Hispana, Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. Serie canónica 6, Madrid 2002.
R. Collins, Visigothic Spain, 409-711, Oxford 2004.


Described by a title - Sacerdos/ἱερεύς
    Public law - Ecclesiastical
      Economic status and activity - Slave ownership
        Relation with - Slave/Servant
          Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
            Administration of justice - Excommunication/Anathema
              Administration of justice - Capital punishment
                Administration of justice - Corporal punishment
                  Conflict - Violence
                    Administration of justice - Penance
                      Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER864,