Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 847
Canon 17 of the Council in Mérida (Iberian Peninsula) in AD 666 forbids clerics and laymen to revile a deceased bishop. A presbyter guilty of this wrongdoing shall be punished by three months of penance.
Canon 17
Ut post mortem episcopi nulli subiectorum liceat de eo quicquam detrahere.
Quia per divinam gratiam in sancta Dei ecclesia episcopalis ordinatur potestas, dignum est ut sicut honore et potestate summus habetur in vita, ita post mortem detractio de eo sit nulla. Huius rei causa hanc sententiam protulit et per omnia iubet esse firmam congregatio nostra. Instituentes igitur decernimus, ut nullus subiectus decedentem detrahat episcopum, nullus de eo deroget nec malum quicquam loquatur. Si quis talia deinceps facere praesumpserit, si presbyter fuerit tribus mensibus ab episcopo suo sub poenitentia religatus maneat; si diaconus, quinqui; si subdiaconus aut clericus vel quilibet religiosus de maiori gradu, quia constat ex his iam aliquos per bonam actionem esse venerandos, novem; si minimi fuerint qui levi corde minimaeque adhuc personae, quinquagenis flagellis iussione feriantur episcopi; quod si laicus, quamvis ingenuus in domo ecclesiae tamen nutritus et ab ecclesiae rebus dignitatis gratia praeditus, iuxta quod dignitas eius exegerit, pro tali excessu excommunicationis sentencia feriendus est; si vero de familia ecclesiae fuerit quisque, quia et in his descretionis gradus est, si maior fuerit qui dignitate polleat, sex mensibus ab episcopo suo excommunicatus maneat; inferior tamen aut minima persona disciplinam mereatur, iuxta quod episcopi sui praecesserit sententia. Dignum est etenim ut cui in vita honor fuit impensus, post mortem detractionis substrahatur stimulus.
(ed. Vives 1963: 337-338)
Canon 17
That no subordinate is allowed to disparage a bishop after his death.
Since the episcopal authority is given by the divine grace in the holy Church of God, it is lawful that as the bishop is highest in honour and power during his life, he shall by no means be reviled after his death. For this reason the present decree has been carried forth, and our gathering confirms it in every respect. Therefore, we proclaim that no subordinate will revile a deceased bishop, no one will disparage him, or say anything bad about him. If from now anyone dares any such thing, if he is a presbyter, he shall by obliged by his bishop to three months of penance. If he is a deacon, to five months. If a subdeacon or cleric or monk of a higher rank, because they shall be venerable by their good deeds, to nine months. If these reckless persons are of the lowest rank, they shall receive fifty lashes by the order of the bishop. If he is a lay person, even if free-born and a ward in the house of the Church, and was endowed with something from the ecclesiastical property for the grace of dignity, according to what is exacted by this dignity he shall be excommunicated for such an offence. If, however, he or she is a member of the familia of the Church, and, because there is a distinction in grade in this group, he or she is of a major dignity, he or she shall be excommunicated by his bishop for six months; if he or she is, however, of inferior position, or a person of the lowest standing, he or she shall receive a punishment according to the sentence of his bishop. It is lawful to remove the sting of detraction from the bishop after his death, since during his life the honour was due to him.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Merida

About the source:

Title: Council of Merida in 666, Concilium Emeritense a. 666, Council of Mérida in 666
Origin: Merida (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The provincial council of the Lusitania was held in Mérida in the church of Jerusalem in November 666. It was presided by the Bishop Proficius of Mérida, and eleven other bishops were present.
J. Vives ed., Concilios visigóticos e hispano-romanos, Barcelona-Madrid 1963.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
    Attributes of clerical status
      Public law - Ecclesiastical
        Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
          Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
            Administration of justice - Penance
              Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER847,