Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 794
The letter of Bishops Lupus of Troyes and Eufronius of Autun to Bishop Thalasius of Angers on married clerics (Gaul, mid-5th c.)
The letter is addressed to Bishop Thalasius of Angers. Its first part concerns the proper observance of various feasts.
De clericis uero bigamis, usque ad ostiarios ecclesia permittit et patitur; et quam quis sacerdotum regulam pro districtione sua assumpserit, iure custodiet. Exorcistas uero aut subdiaconos a secundis nuptiis penitus excludit.
Generationem uero filiorum ab his quos coniugatos assumimus, melius esset, si fieri possit, arceri: quos melius est non assumi, quam de his postea sub diuersa sensuum uarietate certari, cum melius sit omnes disceptationum causas excludi; ut qui non uult in clericatu generari, non constituat in altario coniugatos.
Haec pro consuetudine ecclesiarum nostrarum, quarum una est regula, paginae huius sermone texuimus, si quid uero pro honore Domini potest districtionis accrescere; et si imitari non possumus, pro Domini honore laudabimus. Nam iam ecclesiae obsequiis aggregatos ad secundas nuptias transire non patimur: quos, postquam assumpti fuerint, etiam a primis penitus arcemus, exorcistas dumtaxat atque subdiaconos.
In Augustodunensi autem ecclesia, uel ostiarius in imo officio constitutus, si uxorem aliam acceperit, ab officio penitus abdicatur. Subdiaconos autem ad pacem inter se in sacrario oportet accedere; in altario autem nonnisi dum porrigunt pallas diacono aut suscipiunt quod refertur; ad pacem autem nequaquam eis permissum est. Si autem illius amentiae fuerit uel exorcista uel subdiaconus uel etiam sicut superius memoratum est ostiarius, ut secundis se nuptiis illigarit, non solum ab officio sed etiam a communione penitus arcetur.
(ed. Munier 1963: 140-141)
The letter is addressed to Bishop Thalasius of Angers. Its first part concerns the proper observance of various feasts.
Concerning twice-married clerics, the Church permits and allows [them] only to [obtain the rank] of an ostiarius. If someone [twice-married] has decided to follow the rule of the priests, leading himself to ruin, he should be punished by law. Exorcists or subdeacons however should be categorically prevented from [entering] second marriage.
It is better that those whom we have accepted [to clergy] as married men would restrain, if that is possible, from begetting children. It is better not to accept [into clergy] those who would later struggle with the whole variety of senses, because it is better to prevent all the cases of controversy. Therefore, he who does not want clerics to beget [children], should not appoint married men to the altar.
These pages we elaborated with great care in discussion to serve as the custom of our Churches, which are of one rule, so that they can increase their discipline for the honour of the Lord. And if we cannot imitate, let us praise for the honour of the Lord. For we do not suffer those who have been united by the services of the church to pass to second marriages, and as for those exorcists and subdeacons who have been admitted earlier, we shall also keep them completely away from the first [marriage].
In the Church of Autun however, even an ostiarius appointed to the office, if he takes a second wife, will be demoted from his office. Subdeacons for the [sign of peace] should approach the choir. They should approach the altar only to touch the deacon's mantle or to receive what is brought back, but by no means it is approachable for them at the [time when the sign of] peace [is given]. If, however, an exorcist or a subdeacon, or even an above-mentioned ostiarius goes so mad as to enter the second marriage, he will not only be removed from the office but also categorically banned from communion.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Autun
  • Troyes
  • Angers

About the source:

Title: The letter of blessed Bishops Lupus and Eufronius. On the solemnities and twice-married cleris and those who take wives, Epistola sancti Lupi et sancti Eufronii episcoporum. De solemnitatibus et de bigamis clericis et de eis qui uxores duxerunt
Origin: Autun (Gaul)Troyes (Gaul), Angers (Gaul),
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The same bishop was also addressed by Lupus and Eufronius in Commonitorium (now lost). The letter must have been sent after 453, the date of Thalasius` ascendance to the bishopric, and probably before the Council of Tours (AD 461).
Ch. Munier ed., Concilia Galliae a. 314-a. 506, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148, Turnhoult 1963.


Non-Latin Origin - Suevic
    Family life - Marriage
      Family life - More than one marriage
        Described by a title - Clericus
          Impediments or requisits for the office - Marriage
            Public law - Ecclesiastical
              Administration of justice - Excommunication/Anathema
                Administration of justice - Demotion
                  Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER794,