Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 753
Letter of Bishops Leo of Bourges, Victor of Le Mans, and Eustochius of Tours forbidding clerics to go to secular courts (Gaul, ca AD 453)
Dominis fratribus merito beatissimis in Christo uenerabilibus, Sarmationi, Cariatoni, Desiderio episcopis et presbyteris omnium ecclesiarum quae sunt intra prouinciam tertiam constitutae, Leo, Victurius et Eustochius episcopi.
Tantam saeculi potestates circa sacerdotalem ordinem reuerentiam praeualere uoluerunt, ut etiam ii quos sub imperiali nomine terris diuina potentia praeesse praecepit, ius distringendorum negotiorum episcopis iuxta diualia constituta permiserint. Quod cum et iuris antiqui formulis et inlatis frequentius sit legibus confirmatum, praesenti tempore a plerisque inuenimus fuisse calcatum. Nam praetermisso sacerdotali iudicio, passim ad examen saeculare transierunt. Idcirco nobis uisum est, ut hanc et sacrae legis, et nostri ordinis contumeliam, et ad praesens ulcisceretur plena districtio, et obseruandam formulam constitueret in futurum. Censuimus itaque, ut quicumque praetermisso sacerdote ecclesiae suae, ad disceptationem uenerit saecularium, sacris liminibus expulsus a caelesti arceatur altario. Neque ullus post hanc definitionem, quae communi sedit arbitrio, quicquam sibi ultra praescriptum uindicare nitatur. Ita fiet, ut et hi qui ante errauerunt congrua emendatione se corrigant, et quisquis sub obseruatione clericali caelesti seruire probatur officio, ex clerico habendum se norit, si praetermisso sacerdotum iudicio saecularium adierit potestatem. Quod idcirco singulos, uniuersosque uoluimus agnoscere, ut quod pleno iustitiae et iuris ordine constitutum est, effectum totius firmitatis in omnibus clericorum negotiis sortiatur. Sane si clericum laicus pulset, prius audiri se ab episcopo poscat. Tum si petitioni suae laicum uiderit obuiare, ex permisso episcopi sui in saeculi moderatoris disceptatione confligat.
Leo episcopus subscripsi.
Victurius episcopus subscripsi.
Eustochius episcopus subscripsi.
(ed. Munier 1963: 136)
Bishops Leo, Victor, and Eustochius to the lords [and] brothers in Christ, most blessed and venerable by merit, Bishops Sarmationus, Cariatonus, and Desiderius, and presbyters from all churches in the third province [i.e. Lugdunensis III].
The secular powers wanted such reverence for priestly order to prevail, that also those whom divine power decided to put in charge of the earth under the name of emperors, granted through their divine constitutions to the bishops the right to judge in trials. We learn, however, that what was confirmed both by ancient legal regulations and passed laws today is trampled underfoot by many. For everywhere cases are presented for secular examination, with a disregard for priestly judgement. Hence, it seems to us that this sacrilege and the insult to our order should be punished now with full severity and regulations should be introduced in the future in order to guarantee observance [of the law]. We decree, therefore, that whoever will go to a secular court bypassing the priest of his church will be expelled beyond sacred boundaries and separated from the heavenly altar. And after this decision, which was reached by joined judgement, let no one try to claim for himself anything but that which was prescribed to him. Thus, let it be that those who have erred beforehand should amend after suitable correction, and anyone who is sanctioned under clerical rule to serve in the heavenly office should know that he will be removed from the clergy if he would approach the secular power bypassing the priests' judgement. And we would like that each and every one of them know that this is constituted in the proper order of justice and law, and [what was instituted] should be applied with full resolve in all cases concerning clerics. If indeed a layperson accuses a cleric, he or she should first demand to be heard by a bishop. And if he seems to resist a layman or laywoman, with the permission of their bishop, can fight in a secular court.
Bishop Leo signed.
Bishop Victor signed.
Bishop Eustochius signed.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Le Mans
  • Bourges
  • Tours

About the source:

Title: The letter of bishops Leo, Victor and Eustochius. That clerics should not await secular trials, Epistola episcoporum Leonis, Victuri et Eustochi ad episcopos. Vt clerici non expectent saecularia iudicia
Origin: Tours (Gaul)Bourges (Gaul), Le Mans (Gaul),
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
This letter is part of the "Angers Collection", and was often included in the manuscripts preceding the canons of the Council of Angers (see e.g. [762]).
Ch. Munier ed., Concilia Galliae a. 314-a. 506, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148, Turnhoult 1963.


Described by a title - Clericus
    Public law - Ecclesiastical
      Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
        Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
          Administration of justice - Secular
            Administration of justice - Excommunication/Anathema
              Administration of justice - Demotion
                Administration of justice - Penance
                  Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER753,