Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 321
Canon 22 of the First Council of Braga (Iberian Peninsula, AD 561) orders the demotion of clerics who have trangressed the ancient canons.
7. [...] Proposita sunt igitur capitula et relecta, quae continent haec:
XXII. De praeceptis canonum antiquorum.
Item placuit ut quaecumque praecepta antiquorum canonum, quae modo in concilio recitata sunt, nullus audeat praeterire. Si quis autem quasi conumax transgreditur illa, necesse est ut de suo degradetur officio.
(ed. Barlowe 1950: 114)
7. [...] The chapters are proposed and read that contain what follows:
XXII. On the precepts of the ancient canons.
It pleased us that no one dare to transgress the precepts of the ancient canons that have been recited on the council. If someone insolently transgresses them, he shall be demoted from his office.
(trans. by M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Braga

About the source:

Title: First Council of Braga, Concilium Bracarense a. 561, Concilium Bracarense primum
Origin: Braga (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The First Council of Braga was summoned by Bishop Lucretius of Braga under the auspices of the king of Galicia Ariamir for the 1st of May 561. It was the first council of the Galician Church after the conversion of the Suevi to Catholicism. Apart from Lucretius and Martin of Dumio, mentioned in the third place, we can identify the sees of only two other bishops, Andreas of Iria and Lucetius of Coimbra, because they were present at the Second Council of Braga in 572.
It has been suggested that Martin of Braga wrote the minutes of the both councils. There are no conclusive arguments, but some linguistic evidence in favour of Martin`s authorship was presented by the editor, C. Barlowe (1950: 83).
Concilium Bracarense primum, in C. Barlowe ed., Martini episcopi Bracarensis opera omnia, New Haven 1950, 105-115


Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
    Administration of justice - Demotion
      Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER321,