Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 31
Audeca, king of Sueves ca AD 584-585 is deposed by Visigothic King Leovigild, ordained as a presbyter and exiled to Beja (Iberian Peninsula). An account of John of Biclar, writing in Biclar (Iberian Peninsula) ca AD 590.
Anno II Mauricii, qui est Leovigildi XVI annus [...] 2. His diebus Audeca in Gallaecia Suevorum regnum cum tyrannide assumit et Sisegutiam relictam Mironis regis in coniugium accepit. Eboricum regno privat et monasterii monachum facit.
Anno III Mauricii, qui est Leovigildi XVII annus [...] 2. Leovegildus rex Gallaecias vastat, Audecanem regem comprehensum regno privat, Suevorum gentem, thesaurum et patriam in suam redigit potestatem et Gothorum provinciam facit. [...] 5. Audeca vero regno privatus tondetur et honore presbyteri post regnum honoratus non dubium quod in Eborico regis filio rege suo fecerat, patitur et exilio Pacensi urbe relegatur.
(Campos ed. 1960, 92-94)
In the second year of Maurice, which was the sixteenth year of king Leovigild. [...] 68. At this time Audeca illegitimately seized the kingship of the Suevi in Galicia and received in marriage Siseguntia, the widow of King Miro. He deprived Eboric of the kingship and made him a monk. [...] In the third year of Maurice, which was the seventeenth year of king Leovigild [...] 73. King Leovigild devastated Galicia, deprived its captured King Audeca of his rule, and brought the people, treasure, and land of the Suevi under his own power. He made Galicia a province of the Goths. [...] 76. Deprived of his rule, Audeca was tonsured and dignified with the honour of the priesthood, after having held that of the kingship. He suffered no doubt because he had made himself king in place of Eboric, son of King Miro. He was exiled to the city of Beja.
(transl. Wolf 2011: 61-62)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Beja

About the source:

Author: John of Biclar
Title: Chronicle, Continuatio Victoris Tonnonnensis, Chronicon
Origin: Biclar (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
According to the account of Isidore of Seville (Iberian Peninsula) in De viris illustribus 44, John was a Goth from Lusitania, he studied in Constantinople. He went back to Spain during the reign of Leovigild, and was said to be persecuted for his Catholic faith. Later he founded the monastery in Biclar, and eventually he was ordained as bishop of Gerona (Iberian Peninsula). He wrote a chronicle as a continuation of the work of Eusebius, Jerome, Victor of Tunnuna and Prosper of Aquitaine. His point of departure was 567 AD, and he reached the year 592 AD (Wolf 2011: 1-9).
J. Campos, Juan de Bíclaro, obispo de Gerona, su vida y su obra, edición crítica, Madrid 1960.
T. Mommsen ed., Iohannis abbatis Biclarensis chronica a. DLXVII-DXC, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores antiquissimi 11, Berlin 1894, 211-220.
K.B. Wolf, Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain, Liverpool 2011


Non-Latin Origin - Suevic
Social origin or status - Monarchs and their family
Family life - Marriage
Family life - Permanent relationship before ordination
Food/Clothes/Housing - Hairstyle
Travel and change of residence
Reasons for ordination - Involuntary ordination
Act of ordination
Attributes of clerical status
Relation with - Monarch and royal/imperial family
Administration of justice - Secular
Administration of justice - Exile
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER31,