Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2399
John Maxentius, one of the Scythian Monks, presents a "libellus fidei" (the book of faith) to the papal delegates in Constantinople, Bishops Germanus and John, the deacons Felix and Dioscorus, and the presbyter Blandus. The libellus defends the so-called Theopaschite formula that was rejected by the see of Rome. Written in Constantinople, 519.
Dominis viris beatissimis Germano et Ioanni episcopis, Felici et Dioscoro diaconis, Blando presbytero et universae legationi apostolicae sedis, libellus ab exiguo Maxentio, et omnium qui mecum sunt.
What follows is an apology of Neo-Chalcedonian theology, supported by the so-called Scythian monks, who claim that the formula "One of the Trinity suffered in the flesh" is indispensable to defend Chalcedonian Christology against the heretics.
(ed. F. Glorie 1978: 5)
To the blessed Lords Germanus and John, the bishops, Felix and Dioscorus, the deacons, the presbyter Blandus, and to the whole legation of the Apostolic See, this little book of little Maxentius, and all who are with me.
What follows is an apology of Neo-Chalcedonian theology, supported by the so-called Scythian monks, who claim that the formula "One of the Trinity suffered in the flesh" is indispensable to defend Chalcedonian Christology against the heretics.
(trans. and summary M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • East
  • Constantinople

About the source:

Author: John Maxentius
Title: Libellus fidei
Origin: Constantinople (East)
John Maxentius (active 519-33) was a leader of the so-called Scythian monks who argued for the "theopaschite formula" as a defense of Neo-Chalcedonian theology. He wrote a number of works in Latin, the longest of those are the Dialogue against the Nestorians and Reply against the letter, which according to the heretics, was sent to Possessor by a Roman bishop (the defense against the accusation made against the Scythian Monks by Pope Hormisdas). The Libellus fidei is the profession of fatih that the Scythian Monks presented to the embassy of Hormisdas in Constantinople in 519. On the matter see also [1507] and [1672].
F. Glorie (ed.), Ioannes Maxentius, Opuscula; Capitula sancti Augustini, Corpus Christianorum Series latina 85A, Turnhout 1978, 5-25
M. Simonetti, "John Maxentius", in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, ed. A. di Berardino, Downers Grove 2014, 2:438


Travel and change of residence
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Ecclesiastical envoy
Relation with - Monk/Nun
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2399,