Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2389
DRAFT Jerome of Stridon compares the Church to Noah's Ark, with the deacons, presbyters and bishops at its summit. Jerome, The Dialogue Against the Luciferians, written probably in Antioch, ca AD 379.
22. Similiter et Ecclesia, multis gradibus consistens, ad extremum diaconis, presbyteris episcopis que finitur.
(ed. Canellis 2000: 57)
22. The construction of the ark was such that it began with being thirty cubits broad and gradually narrowed to one. Similarly the Church, consisting of many grades, ends in deacons, presbyters, and bishops.
(trans. W.H. Fremantle)

About the source:

Author: Jerome
Title: Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthodoxi, The Dialogue Against the Luciferians
Origin: East
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Canellis, ed., Hieronymus: Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthodoxi, CChr.SL vol. 79B (Turnhout 2000)
W.H. Fremantle, “The Dialogue Against the Luciferians” in NPNF2, vol. 6 (New York, 1893), pp. 319-34.


Theoretical considerations - On church hierarchy
    Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2389,