Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2386
The Homoian cleric Minnulus from Ravenna, son of the presbyter Cristodorus, writes down a document of the sale of the land from the Domitian estate to Isacius, soap-maker from Classis near Ravenna (Italy). The document on papyrus produced in Classis near Ravenna (Italy), after 16 July 541, originally a part of the gesta records.
P.Ital 33 (Marini 117)
In the non-extant beginning, the buyer states - according to Tjader's reconstruction - that he bought a part of the Fundus Domitianus and declares the boundaries of his parcel.
1 [...] v]el ab origine fuerunt, q(ua) q(uemque) t(angit) et p(opulum), dato pretio instrumentis sollemniter in Classe Rav(ennati) confectis a Minnulo v(iro) r(everendo), clerico legis Gothor(um) ecl(esiae) Rav(ennatis), filio q(uon)d(am) Cristodori p(res)b(yterii), optimo sum iure mercatus, unde rogo g(ravitatem) v(estram), uti primitus documentum [...]
2 [Mag(istratus) d(ixit): ... su]scriberent, conrogavit. Constat eum h(ac) d(ie) sub dupplariae rei distraxisse, et distraxit, adque tradidisse, et tradidit, in perpetuo h(eredibus) posterisque eius Isacio v(iro) h(onesto), saponario Classis, conparatori, id est ex fundo Domitiano uncias duas, portionem
3 [... p]ensantes numero viginti tant(um) in praesenti eidem Minnulo v(iro) r(everendo), venditori, adnumeratos et traditos praesentia testium, dante, numerante et tradente s(upra)s(scripto) Isacio v(iro) h(onesto) saponario, conparatore, domi exacculo suo, suscipiente eodem venditore ac sibimet in in[tegro ...]
The fourth piece of the document lists the parts and assets of the transferred estate. The fifth piece lists the rights to the land the buyer and his heirs acquire by the sale.
6 [... omn]em praetium placitum et definitum sollemnem traditionem his venditor caelebravit suo conparatori eiusque h(eredi)bus, d(e) q(ua) r(e) et de quibus omnibus s(upra)s(criptis) stipulatus est q(ui) s(upra) Isacius v(ir) h(onestus) saponarius, emptor, ad omnia s(upra)s(cripta) spopondit memoratus Minnulus v(ir) r(everendus) licto[r ...]
7 [... pra]esente testis suscribsi, et viginti solidos praetium ei in praesenti adnumeratos et traditos vidi. Honoratus v(ir) c(larissimus), scol(aris), his instrumentis duar(um) unc(iarum) fundi s(upra)s(cripti), ut s(uperius) legitur, rogatus a s(upra)s(cripto) Minnulo v(iro) r(everendo), cl(erico) legis Gotor(um), venditore, ipso praesente testis sus[cribsi, et viginti solidos praetium ei in praesenti adnumeratos et traditos vidi. [...]
The same formula of a witness signature as above is repeated three more times. The names of the witnesses are not legible. In the ninth piece of the document inheritance received from the buyer's or the seller's sister in law Anastasia is mentioned as well as a transaction confirmed by some document.
10 [... sub] d(ie) XVII Kal(endarum) Augustar(um). Act(um) in Classe Rav(ennati) Basilio Iun(iore) v(iro) c(larissimo) cons(ule), ind(ictione) quarta. Ego Minnulus v(ir) r(everendus), clericus ecl(esiae) Gotor(um) Rav(ennatis), filius q(uon)d(am) Cristodori p(res)b(yteri) legis s(upra)s(cript)e, huic epistule traditionis duorum unciar(um) fundi s(upra)s(cripti) a me facta tibi s(upra)s(cripto) Isacio v(iro) h(onesto) saponario, conparatori, [... suscri]bsi.
There is more text of the document below with what the magistrate said after the reading of the document and confirming the recognition of the sale.
(ed. Tjäder 1982: 84-88)
P.Ital 33 (Marini 117)
In the non-extant beginning, the buyer states - according to Tjader's reconstruction - that he bought a part of the Fundus Domitianus and declares the boundaries of his parcel.
1 [...] or had been from the beginning, by which and what people it concerned, I have bought - having given the price and having solemnly prepare the documents [of sale] - on the best legal basis from the reverend Minnulus, the cleric of the church of the Gothic law in Ravenna, son of the late presbyter Cristodorus. Therefore, I ask your Dignity to first this document [...]
2 [The magistrate said: ...] ... [and he] invited [the witnesses] to sign. It is known that this day he sold guaranteeing the double, and he sold; and [it is known] that he transferred, and he transferred a piece of the two twelfths from the Domitian estate, to the buyer, vir honestus Isacius, a soap-maker in Classis and to his heirs and descendants in perpetuity.
3 When the twenty [golden solidi] of full weight were given to the seller in the presence of the same vir reverendus Minnulus, counted and transferred in the presence of witnesses, while the buyer, vir honestus Isacius, a soap-maker was giving, counting, and transferring in his house from his poach, and when the same seller took [the price] for himself [...]
The fourth piece of the document lists the parts and assets of the sold estate. The fifth piece lists the rights to the land the buyer and his heirs acquire by the sale.
6 ... after receiving the agreed and defined price, the seller celebrated the sollemn transfer to his buyer and his heirs. He was
the seller completed the transfer to his buyer and his heirs for all the agreed and defined price. The said buyer, vir honestus Isacius, a soap-maker, demanded an oath concerning all these abovementioned matters, and the said vir reverendus Minnulus, a reader, made an oath regarding all these abovementioned matters.
7 ... in [his] presence I signed as a witness and I saw that the price of the twenty solidi was counted at the present time and given to him. I, Honoratus, vir clarissimus, a scholar, signed as a witness in [Minnulus's] presence under this document [of the sale] of the two twelfths of the aforementioned estate as it can be read above, asked [to do that] by the vir reverendus Minnulus, a cleric of the Gothic law, the seller. I saw the twenty solidi counted at the present time and given to him.
The same formula of a witness signature as above is repeated three more times. The names of the witnesses are not legible. In the ninth piece of the document inheritance received from the buyer's or the seller's sister-in-law Anastasia is mentioned as well as a transaction confirmed by some other document.
10 ... on the seventeenth day before the Kalends of August [16 July]. Given in Classe of Ravenna in the consulship of the vir clarissimus Basil Iunior, in the fourth indiction [541]. I, the vir reverendus Minnulus, a cleric of the church of the Goths in Ravenna, son of the late presbyter Cristodorus of the aforementioned law [i.e. Gothic], sign under this letter of transfer of the two twelfths of the aforementioned estate made by myself to you, the aforementioned vir honestus Isacius, a soap-maker, the buyer.
There is more text of the document below with what the magistrate said after the reading of the document and confirming the recognition of the sale.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Italy north of Rome with Corsica and Sardinia
  • Ravenna

About the source:

Origin: Ravenna (Italy north of Rome with Corsica and Sardinia)
Denomination: Arian
The document of the sale of land between the cleric Minnulus and the soap-maker Isacius was introduced into a local archive of Ravenna, the so-called gesta municipalia (see Ausbüttel 1987). The date of the original document is given in the text, it was 16 July 541, it must have been introduced to the gesta at some point after this date.
G. Marini, I papiri diplomatici, Roma 1805, no. 117.
J.-O. Tjäder, Die nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri Italiens aud der Zeit 445–700, v. 2, Stockholm 1982.
 F.M. Ausbüttel, "Die Curialen und Stadtmagistrate Ravennas im späten 5. und 6. Jahrhundert”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 67 (1987), 207–214.


Social origin or status - Clerical family
Family life - Offspring
Religious grouping (other than Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian) - Arian
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Described by a title - Clericus
Writing activity
Legal practice
Education - Special skills
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2386,