Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2374
record image
Draft: The Presbyter Severus offers a commerative inscription to St Peter, mentioning Pope John II (533-535), known also as Mercurius, formerly the presbyter of the titular church of St Clement in Rome. Rome, AD 533 .
[+] salbo papa n(ostro) Iohanne cognome-
to Mercurio ex s(an)c(ta)e eccl(esiae) Rom(anae) presbyte-
ris ordinato ex tit(ulo) s(an)c(t)i Clementis ad glo-
riam pontificalem promoto. beato Petro
ap(ostolo) patrono suo a vinculis eius Severus p(res)b(yter) o(ff)ert.
et it(erum) p(ost) c(onsulatum) Lampadi et Orestis vv(irorum) cc(larissimorum). urbi+clus ced(sign?)ri(leaf)nus est.
Text: ILCV 1780, modified after a photograph by Pawel Nowakowski
[+] In the lifetime of our pope John, called Mercurius, ordained from the presbyters of the holy Roman Church, promoted to pontifical glory from the titulus-church of Saint Clemens. To the blessed Peter the Apostle, his patron from his chains (a vinculis eius), Severus, presbyter, offers (this). In the third year after the consulship of Lampadius and Orestes, viri clarissimi. (The offering?) is of a small cedar disk.'
Translation: Pawel Nowakowski


An extensive discussion by Pawel Nowakowski can be found on the Cult of Saints website:

Place of event:

  • Rome
  • Rome

About the source:

Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
High quality marble slab. Large, decorative lettering, ligatures.
Dimensions: _____. Line 6 much smaller than lines 1-5.
Displayed in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. Now on a wall, but in Gruter's edition (1602) described as a pavement slab.
The inscription has had a large number of editions and commentaries, starting in the early modern period. Here we have limited discussion to major works, starting with the editions of Cesare Baronio (1586) and Joannes Gruter (1602). In the commentary, we emphasise existing problems with the correct dating of the inscription. This is important, since based on the assumption that the plaque was made in the same year that pope John II took up office, it was used to date the beginning of his pontificate to different dates.
(Pawel Nowakowski)


Further ecclesiastical career - Bishop
Functions within the Church - Parish presbyter
Functions within the Church - Urban presbyter
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Devotion - Donations and offerings
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2374,