Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2363
Gregory the Great instructs Bishop Januarius of Cagliari (Sardinia) that every cleric guilty of adultury committed with a nun should be deprived of his office and locked in a monastery. Presbyters should anoint infants on the breast during baptism, so that bishops will anoint on the forehead during confirmation. Gregory the Great, Letter 4.9, AD 593.
Letter 4.9 to Bishop Januarius of Cagliari (September 593)
Gregorius Ianuario episcopo Caralitano
Gregory demands from Bishop Januarius to take greater care of nunneries located on the island of Sardinia. Januarius should assign some of his subordinates to attend to nuns' daily needs, so that they would not be compelled to leave their convents.
Is autem qui cum huiusmodi feminis in aliqua fuerit iniquitate repertus, communione priuetur si laicus, si uero clericus est a suo quoque remotus officio pro suis continue lugendis excessibus in monasterio detrudarur.
Gregory discusses some other matters.
Episcopi baptizandos infantes signare in frontibus bis chrismate non praesumant, sed presbyteri baptizandos tangant in pectore, ut epicopi in postmodum tangere debeant in fronte.
(ed. Norberg 1982: 226)
Letter 4.9 to Bishop Januarius of Cagliari (September 593)
Gregorius to Januarius, bishop of Cagliari
Gregory demands from Bishop Januarius to take greater care of nunneries located on the island of Sardinia. Januarius should assign some of his subordinates to attend to nuns' daily needs, so that they would not be compelled to leave their convents.
But the man [i.e. Januarius' delegate] who is found in some wicked act with women of this sort [i.e. nuns], must be deprived of communion, if he is a layman. If he is a cleric, he must also be removed from his office and be confined to a monastery, to bewail his failures in self-control for evermore.
Gregory discusses some other matters.
Bishops must not presume to anoint the foreheads of baptized infants for a second time with the chrism. Rather, presbyters should anoint those in need of baptism on the breast, so that bishops might anoint them in the future on the forehead.
(trans. Martyn 2004: 293–294, summarized by J. Szafranowski)


This letter proves that at the time of Gregory:
a) Infants were baptized;
b) Presbyters were prohibited from baptizing with chrism;
c) Confirmation was a sole prerogative of the bishops.
See also the letter 4.26 ([2376]), in which Gregory reluctantly permits presbyters to baptize with chrism, if the bishop is lacking.

Place of event:

  • Italy north of Rome with Corsica and Sardinia
  • Rome
  • Cagliari
  • Rome

About the source:

Author: Gregory the Great
Title: Letters, Epistulae, Epistolae, Registrum epistularum, Registrum epistolarum
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Gregory, later called the Great (Gregorius Magnus), was born ca 540 to an influential Roman family with some connection to the ancient gens Anicia. His great-great-grandfather was Felix III, who served as the bishop of Rome from 526 to 530. Possibly, Agapetus I, pope between 535 and 536, was his relative as well. Little is known about his early career, but in 573 Gregory ascended to the high office of city prefect. Shortly afterwards, however, he resigned from his post and adopted the monastic way of life. He founded a monastery dedicated to St. Andrew within his family estate on Coelian Hill, next to the library established by Agapetus and Cassiodorus. Six other monasteries were founded in the estates his family owned in Sicily. Soon after his monastic conversion, he started to be given various tasks by Popes Benedict I (575–578) and Pelagius II (578–590). At that time, he was ordained a deacon. Between 579 and 585/6, Gregory acted as Pelagius` envoy in Constantinople. In 590, he was elected Pelagius` successor to the bishopric of Rome. The registry of his letters contained copies of Gregory`s papal correspondence up to his death in 604. The scope of Gregory`s original registry is still the subject of scholarly speculation. There are 854 extant letters gathered in fourteen volumes, most of them (686 letters) originating from the collection compiled at the time of Pope Hadrian I (772–795).
It is worth remembering that the majority of Gregory’s correspondence was jointly produced by the pope and his subordinates, see Pollard 2013.
D. Norberg ed., S. Gregorii Magni Registrum Epistularum, Corpus Christianorum: Series Latina 140, 140A, Turnhout 1982.
The Letters of Gregory the Great, trans. J.R.C. Martyn, Mediaeval Sources in Translation 40, Toronto 2004.
R.M. Pollard, A Cooperative Correspondence: The Letters of Gregory the Great, in: M. Dal Santo, B. Neil (eds.), A Companion to Gregory the Great, Leiden-Boston 2013, pp. 291–312.


Sexual life - Sexual activity
    Sexual life - Extramarital
      Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
        Described by a title - Clericus
          Ritual activity - Baptism and instructing catechumens
            Ritual activity - Anointment with chrism
              Relation with - Monk/Nun
                Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
                  Administration of justice - Demotion
                    Monastic or common life
                      Administration of justice - Imprisonment
                        Administration of justice - Penance
                          Ecclesiastical administration - Overseeing clergy and Church staff
                            Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2363,