Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2206
Funerary inscription of the presbyter Honorius found in the cemetery of Manastirine in Salona (Dalmatia), the 5th or the first half of the 6th century.
[depositio] Honori presby(teri)
[— — — — — —]ias consul(atu)
[— — — — — — —]II et
[depositio — — die N]onas Martias.
(ed. Egger 1923: 86, no 133)
The deposition of the presbyter Honorus in the consulship of ... on the day of the Nones of March [9 March].

Place of event:

  • Danubian provinces and Illyricum
  • Salona

About the source:

Origin: Salona (Danubian provinces and Illyricum)
The inscription was originally inscribed on the sarcophagus, it survived in two fragments. It was found during the excavations on the cemetery of Manastirine in Salona and now is kept in the Archaeological Museum in Split.
Trismegistos no.183368
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg HD034795
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum vol. 3, no. 13129
E. Diehl, Inscriptiones latinae christianae veteres, Berlin 1925, no. 1172A.
R. Egger, "Der altchristliche Friedhof Manastirine nach dem Materiale Fr. Bulić", Forschungen in Salona 2, Vienna 1926, 86, no. 133.
A. Šašel, J. Šašel, Inscriptiones Latinae quae in Iugoslavia inter annos ... et ... repertae et editae sunt, Ljubljana 1963-1986, no. 2411
E. Marin ed., Inscriptions de Salone chrétienne, IVe-VIIe siècles, Rome, Split 2010, 804-806, no. 446


Burial/Funerary inscription
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2206,