Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 2023
Bishop Sabinus is admonished by Pope Gelasius I to allow people to be baptized in any church of their choice and not to require too high offerings from the presbyters. Gelasius I, Fragment 10, Rome, AD 492/496.
Fragment 20
Gelasius Sabino episcopo.
Et ideo, frater carissime, huius modi superfluam constitutionem modis omnibus removebis, ut unusquisque aut in vicina sibi ecclesia aut in electa pro suae mentis baptizetur arbitrio. Cathedraticum etiam non amplius, quam vetusti moris esse constiterit, ab eius loci presbytero noveris exigendum, et de iis, quae die dedicationis fuerint offerentium devotione collata, consuetudinem, quae generaliter omnibus ecclesiis est praescripta, servabis.
(ed. Thiel 1868: 494-495)
Fragment 20
Gelasius to Bishop Sabinus.
Therefore, my most dear brother, you should remove this unnecessary regulation, so that anyone can be baptized either in a church near him, or in one of his free choice. You should know that the cathedral tax [cathedraticum] can be required of the presbyter of that place in an amount not higher than was established by the old custom. You will also keep the sums of the pious offerings given at the day of dedication as prescribed by the general custom of all the Churches.
(trans. S. Adamiak)


There is no indication of the see of Sabinus. He might have been the bishop of Sala Consilina in Campania mentioned in [2003].
"The dedication" refers most probably to the consecration of a church.

Place of event:

  • Italy south of Rome and Sicily

About the source:

Author: Gelasius I
Title: Epistulae, Letters
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Gelasius I was the bishop of Rome between AD 492 and 496.
Thiel A. ed., Epistulae Romanorum pontificum genuinae et quae ad eos scriptae sunt a S. Hilario usque ad Pelagium II, 1, Braunsberg 1868, 287-510.
B. Neil, P. Allen edd.,  The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496): Pastor and Micro-Manager of the Church of Rome, Turnhout 2014.
B. Neil, P. Allen edd.,  The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496): Pastor and Micro-Manager of the Church of Rome, Turnhout 2014.


Functions within the Church - Parish presbyter
    Functions within the Church - Rural presbyter
      Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
        Ritual activity - Baptism and instructing catechumens
          Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
            Economic status and activity - Taxes and services
              Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: S. Adamiak, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER2023,