Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1949
Abba Theodosius from the surroundings of Guarrazar (central Iberian Peninsula) offers a gold votive crown in honour of saint Stephen, the second half of the seventh century.
(cross) Offeret munusculum S(an)/c(t)o Stefano Theodosius abba
Hispania Epigraphica no.  394
(cross) Abba Theodosius offers this small gift to saint Stephen.
(trans. M. Szada)

Place of event:

  • Iberian Peninsula
  • Guadamur

About the source:

Origin: Guadamur (Iberian Peninsula)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The present votive crown is one of fourteen crowns of the Treasure of Guarrazar. It was found in 1858 by Adolphe Hérouart in  Guarrazar, near Toledo in central Spain. The custom of decorating altars with votive crowns was widespread in the Byzantine world in the seventh century. It was adapted in the Visigothic Spain most probably because of the contacts with Byzantines holding the southern parts of the Peninsula. The crowns were offerings made to churches by rulers and persons of high rank. Among the crowns from Guarrazar are gifts made by King Reccesvinth and King Suinthila. The present crown, however, was offered by abba Theodosius to saint Stephen. Theodosius might have been a monastic superior, but it is equally possible that he was a parish priest in one of the basilicas in the surroundings of Guarrazar (see discussion on the title abba in [810]).
A golden votive crown made of two decorated plates connected with a hinge. The letters of the inscription are inscribed in the middle section of the plates. For a detailed description of the crown and its inscription see Bibliography.
Hispania Epigraphica Online no. 394
E. Hubner, Inscriptiones Hispaniae Christianae, Berlin 1987, no. 162
J. Vives, Inscripciones Cristianas de la Espana Romana y Visigoda, Barcolona 1942, no. 377
J. Amador de los Ríos, El arte latino-bizantino en España y las coronas visigodas de Guarrazar. Ensayo histórico-crítico, Memorias de la Real Academia de San Fernando, Madrid, 1861
J. de D. de la Rada y Delgado, "Coronas de Guarrazar que se conservan en la Armería Real de Madrid", in: Museo Español de Antigüedades 1874
N. Sentenach y Cabañas, "Bosquejo histórico de la orfebrería española", Revista de Archivos, bibliotecas y museos 12, 1908, p. 238
J. Vives, "Características hispanas de las inscripciones visigodas", Arbor, tomo I, fasc.2, 1944, pp. 192-193
J. Ferrandis Torres, "Artes decorativas visigodas", in R. Menéndez Pidal (ed.), Historia de España, vol. III: España visigoda, Madrid 1976, p. 686, fig. 445
M. López Serrano, "Arte visigodo. Arquitectura y escultura. Artes decorativas de la época visigoda. Adiciones. Orfebrería", [in:] R. Menéndez Pidal (ed.), Historia de España, vol. III: España visigoda. Madrid 1976, p. 769
P. de Palol, "Arte y Arqueología. Las artes suntuarias cortesanas del reino de Toledo", [in:] R. Menéndez Pidal (ed.), Historia de España, vol.III.2: España visigoda, 3rd ed., Madrid 1991, p. 414
G. Ripoll, "El Tesoro de Guarrazar. La tradición de la orfebrería durante la Antigüedad Tardía", [in:] I.G. Bango Torviso (ed.): Maravillas de la España medieval. Tesoro sagrado y monarquía. Estudios y Catálogo, León 2000, p. 202, no. 80
I. Velázquez, "Las inscripciones del tesoro de Guarrazar", [in:] A. Perea (ed.), El tesoro visigodo de Guarrazar, Libro V. De las coronas y las cruces, Madrid 2001, pp. 329-332
I. Velázquez, "Visigothic Spain", in: The Art of Medieval Spain A.D. 500-1200, Metropolitan Museum of Arts
O. Garcia Vuelta, A. Perea, "Guarrazar: el taller orfebre visigodo", Anales de historia del arte, Extra 24 (2014), 245-271


Described by a title - Abba
Economic status and activity - Indication of wealth
Devotion - Veneration of saints and relics
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1949,