Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1777
Pope Leo asks Bishop Julian of Cos to act at the Council of Chalcedon as one of his representatives along with Bishops Paschasinus of Lilybaeum (Sicily), Lucentius, and the Presbyters Basil of Naples, and Boniface of Rome. Letter 92 of Pope Leo the Great, written in Rome, AD 451.
Letter 92 [inc. "Quid de dilectionis"]
Leo the Great informs Bishop Julian of Cos about the forthcoming council convoked by the Emperor (the Council of Chalcedon). He says that Julian has better knowledge of the affairs in the East than the legates dispatched from the West - Bishops Paschasinus, Lucentius, and the Presbyters Basil and Boniface. Leo asks then Julian to help his legates and join them as the papal representative. The letter is given on the 6th day before the Kalends of July in the consulship of Adelfius [=26 July 451].
(Patrologia Latina 54, 936 = Ballerini 1753: 1066-1067)



Place of event:

  • Rome
  • East
  • Rome
  • Constantinople
  • Cos

About the source:

Author: Leo the Great
Title: Letters, Epistulae
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Leo the Great was the bishop of Rome from AD 440 to his death in AD 461. We have the collection of 173 letters of Leo.
P. and G. Ballerini eds., Sancti Leoni Magni Romani pontificis opera, vol. 1, Venice 1753
Patrologia Latina, vol. 54
S. Wessel, Leo the Great and the spiritual rebuilding of a universal Rome, Leiden ; Boston 2008.


Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Participation in councils and ecclesiastical courts
Ecclesiastical administration - Ecclesiastical envoy
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1777,