Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1699
In his letter to Bishop Ravennius of Arles (Gaul) Pope Leo the Great explains that he kept long in Rome his legates, the Presbyter Petronius and the Deacon Regulus, in order that they learn about the position of Rome in the Christological dispute and transfer it to Gaul. Letter 67 of Pope Leo the Great "Lectis dilectionis", written in Rome, AD 450.
Letter 67
Dilectissimo fratri Ravennio, Leo papa.
Diu filios nostros Petronium presbyterum et Regulum diaconum in Urbe tenuimus: quoniam et de nostra hoc gratia merebantur, et fidei quae nunc quorumdam errore incessitur, ratio postulabat. Voluimus enim eos nostro interesse tractatui, et universa cognoscere quae per te cupimus ad omnium fratrum et consacerdotum nostrorum notitiam pervenire, charissime; hoc dilectioni tuae specialiter delegantes, ut sollicitudine vigilantiae tuae epistola nostra, quam ad Orientem pro fidei defensione direximus, vel sanctae memoriae Cyrilli, quae nostris sensibus tota concordat, universis fratribus innotescat: ut certiores effecti contra eos qui incarnationem Domini pravis persuasionibus aestimant temerandam, spirituali se virtute praemuniant. Habes probabilem facultatem, qua cunctis Ecclesiis et Deo nostro episcopatus tui possis commendare primordia, si haec ita, ut credimus atque mandavimus, impleveris, frater charissime. Quae autem committenda litteris non fuerunt, cum praedictorum filiorum nostrorum insinuatione didiceris, Domini fretus auxilio efficaciter, ut diximus, ac laudabiliter exsequeris. Deus te incolumem custodiat, frater charissime. Data III non. Maii, gloriosissimo Valentiniano Aug. VII et Avieno v. c. conss.
(Patrologia Latina 54, 886-887 = Ballerini 1753: 1000-1002)
Letter 67
To his dearly-beloved brother Ravennius, Leo the pope.
We have kept our sons Petronius the presbyter, and Regulus the deacon, long in the City, both because they deserved this from their favour in our eyes, and because the needs of the Faith, which is now being assailed by the error of some, demanded it. For we wished them to be present when we discussed the matter, and to ascertain everything which we desire through you, beloved, should reach the knowledge of all our brethren and fellow-bishops, specially deputing this to you, dear brother, that through your watchful diligence our letter, which we have issued to the East in defence of the Faith, or else that of Cyril of blessed memory, which agrees throughout with our views, may become known to all the brethren; in order that being furnished with arguments they may fortify themselves with spiritual strength against those who think fit to insult the Lord’s Incarnation with their misbeliefs. You have a favourable opportunity, beloved brother, of recommending the commencement of your episcopacy to all the churches and to our God, if you will carry out these things in the way we have charged and enjoined you. But the matters which were not to be committed to paper, in reliance on God's aid, you shall carry out effectually, as we have said, and laudably, when you have learnt about them from the mouths of our aforesaid sons. God keep you safe, dearest brother. Dated on the third day before the Nones of of May, in the consulship of the most glorious Valentinianus for the 7th time and of the famous Avienus [= 5 May 450].
(trans. Ch. Lett Feltoe 1895: 62; slightly adapted)


In the letter Leo recommends to Ravennius most probably his Tome (to Flavian of Constantinople, see [1686]) and the second letter of Cyril of Alexandria to Nestorius.
Letter 67 was sent together with Letter 66 [1698].

Place of event:

  • Rome
  • Gaul
  • Rome
  • Arles

About the source:

Author: Leo the Great
Title: Letters, Epistulae
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Leo the Great was the bishop of Rome from AD 440 to his death in AD 461. We have the collection of 173 letters of Leo.
Eutyches was a presbyter and an archimandrite in Constantinople who got involved in the theological discussions against Nestorius and was inclined toward the monophysite Christology. These views were considered heretical by Bishop Flavian of Constantinople and Eutyches was excommunicated by the so-called Home Synod in AD 448 (σύνοδος ἐνδημοῦσα, the synod of the bishops who happened to be in the capital). Eutyches sent in protest the letters to the bishops all over the world, from which the letter to Pope Leo is still extant. Eutyches also tried to obtain the support of Emperor Theodosius. In fact, the emperor eventually agreed on organizing the Council which was supposed to condemn Bishop Flavian and his supporters. Leo was warned of the preparations by Bishop Flavian and in June AD 449 he sent his legacy consisting of Bishop Julius of Puteoli, the Presbyter Renatus, and the Deacon Hilary. He entrusted to the envoys the dogmatical letter on Christ, the Tomus ad Flavianum. Although Leo tried to prevent through the letters the gathering, the council met in Ephesus on 8 August 449. The legates from Rome tried to read out the Tome at the council but were successfully hindered by Dioscorus of Alexandria and Eutyches (see Grillmeier 1975: 523-528).
There was a long scholarly discussion about the possible participation of Prosper of Aquitaine in the composition of the Tome of Leo, see Green 2008: 193-201.
P. and G. Ballerini eds., Sancti Leoni Magni Romani pontificis opera, vol. 1, Venice 1753
Patrologia Latina, vol. 54
B. Green, The soteriology of Leo the Great, Oxford; New York 2008.
A. Grillmeier, Christ in Christian tradition, v. 1, Atlanta 1975.


Travel and change of residence
Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
Ecclesiastical administration - Ecclesiastical envoy
Relation with - Bishop/Monastic superior
Relation with - Deacon
Education - Theological interest
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1699,