Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1674
Pope Leo the Great, in his letter to the bishops of the province of Mauretania Caesariensis (North Africa), forbids the appointment of bishops in little localities where the service of a presbyter is sufficient. Letter 12 of Pope Leo the Great "Cum de ordinationibus", written in Rome, probably AD 446.
Letter 12
10. Illud sane quod ad sacerdotalem pertinet dignitatem, inter omnia volumus canonum statuta servari, ut non in quibuslibet locis, neque in quibuscumque castellis, et ubi ante non fuerunt, episcopi consecrentur, cum ubi minores sunt plebes minoresque conventus, presbyterorum cura sufficiat, episcopalia autem gubernacula nonnisi maioribus populis et frequentioribus civitatibus oporteat praesidere, ne, quod sanctorum Patrum divinitus inspirata decreta vetuerunt, viculis et possessionibus, vel obscuris et solitariis municipiis tribuatur sacerdotale fastigium, et honor cui debent excellentiora committi, ipsa sui numerositate vilescat. Quod nunc in sua dioecesi Restitutus episcopus factum esse causatus est, et rationabiliter postulavit ut si episcopi eorum locorum in quibus non debuerant ordinari humana conditione decesserint, loca ipsa ad ius eiusdem antistis cui olim propria vel contigua fuerunt revertantur. Et inutile est ut sacerdotalis dignitas inconsiderata ordinantis facilitate superflua multiplicatione minuatur.
(Patrologia Latina 54, 654-655 = Ballerini 1753: 667-668)
Letter 12
3. That of course which pertains to the priestly dignity we wish to be observed in common with all the statutes of the canons, viz., that bishops be not consecrated in any place nor in any hamlet, nor where they have not been consecrated before; for where the flocks are small and the congregations small, the care of the presbyters may suffice, whereas the episcopal authority ought to preside only over larger flocks and more crowded cities, lest contrary to the divinely-inspired decrees of the holy Fathers the priestly office be assigned over villages and rural estates or obscure and thinly-populated townships, and the position of honour, to which only the more important charges should be given, be held cheap from the very number of these that hold it.  And this bishop Restitutus has reported to have been done in his own diocese, and he has with good reason requested that when the bishops of those places where they ought not to have been ordained die in the natural course, the places themselves should revert to the jurisdiction of the same prelate to whom they formerly belonged and were attached.  It is indeed useless for the priestly dignity to be diminished by the superfluous multiplications of the office through the inconsiderate complaisance of the ordainer.
(trans. Ch. Lett Feltoe 1895: 15)

Place of event:

  • Rome
  • Latin North Africa
  • Rome

About the source:

Author: Leo the Great
Title: Letters, Epistulae
Origin: Rome (Rome)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
Leo the Great was the bishop of Rome from AD 440 to his death in AD 461. We have the collection of 173 letters of Leo. Dating of the present letter to the year 446 is based upon a few premises:
1. the correspondence between Africa and Rome would be impossible in the times of was, i.e. before AD 442;
2. from the Novella 13 of Valentinian III dated to 21 June AD 445 we know about the legacy from Numidia and Mauretania Sitifensis to Rome; from those envoys Leo the Great could have learnt the events in Mauretania Caesariensis (he says about "frequent accounts of those who visited us" (ad nos commenatium sermo));
3. the letter could have not been written after 455, that is after the death of Valentinian III when the Vandals retook Mauretanias.
Editors of the letters of Leo proposed then the year 446 as the earliest possible date of the composition. On the letter and the intervention of Leo in Mauretania see Lepelley 1967, Adamiak 2016: 133-134.
P. and G. Ballerini eds., Sancti Leoni Magni Romani pontificis opera, vol. 1, Venice 1753
Patrologia Latina, vol. 54
S. Adamiak, Carthage, Constantinople, and Rome.Imperial and Papal Interventions in the life of the Church in byzantine Africa (533-698), Rome 2016
C. Lepelley, "Saint Léon le Grand et l'Eglise maurétanienne. Primauté romaine et autonomie africaine au Ve siècle", Les cahiers de Tunisie 15 (1967), 189-204


Functions within the Church - Parish presbyter
    Functions within the Church - Rural presbyter
      Described by a title - Presbyter/πρεσβύτερος
        Theoretical considerations - On priesthood
          Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: M. Szada, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1674,