Presbyters Uniwersytet Warszawski
ER 1557
Canon 7 of the First Council of Narbonne (Gaul, AD 589) decrees that disloyal clerics who act against the Church should be demoted.
Canon 7
Quicumque clericorum a maximo usque ad infra contra sancte ecclesie utilitatem agere, tractare uel conare fuerit reppertus, merito deiciatur, qui fidem seruare minime cognoscitur.
(ed. de Clercq 1963: 255)
Canon 7
Any cleric, from the one of the highest [rank] up to the lowest, who will be discovered to act, talk, or attempt something against the holy Church, should be deservedly demoted, [as] the one found to be not at all faithful in service.
(trans. J. Szafranowski)

Place of event:

  • Gaul
  • Narbonne

About the source:

Title: First Council of Narbonne, Concilium Narbonense I anno 589
Origin: Narbonne (Gaul)
Denomination: Catholic/Nicene/Chalcedonian
The First Council of Narbonne was called by Migetius, metropolitan bishop of Narbonne, and gathered six other bishops from his province. This synod was held on the 1st of November as the Third Council of Toledo (convened in May of the same year) has suggested that the provincial councils of the Visigothic kingdom should gather on that date. Migetius was indeed present at Toledo along with King Reccared who had recently converted to Catholicism.
C. de Clercq ed., Concilia Galliae a. 511-a. 695, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina 148 A, Turnhout 1963.


Described by a title - Clericus
    Public law - Ecclesiastical
      Administration of justice - Ecclesiastical
        Administration of justice - Demotion
          Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL: J. Szafranowski, Presbyters in the Late Antique West, ER1557,